
The Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024 (QLD) introduces unnecessary ‘hateful conduct’ laws that could be easily weaponised by activists. 

28 Genuine occupational requirements generally
  1. A person may discriminate against a person in relation to a position if the discrimination—
    1. is based on a genuine occupational requirement for the position: and
    2. is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances
        Examples of genuine occupational requirements for a position
    • using membership of a particular political party as a criterion for a position as an adviser to a political party or a worker in the office of a member of Parliament
    • preferencing people on the basis of age for a peer support position in a service for children and young people
  2. Subsection (I) applies to discrimination in relation to any matter mentioned in subdivision I.
  3. This section does not apply in relation to a genuine occupational requirement mentioned in section 29(1)a().
  4. In this section— position includes a position as-
    1. a worker; or
    2. a partner.

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29 Genuine occupational requirements for religious bodies

  1. A person may discriminate against another person on the basis of the other person’s religious belief or religious activity in relation to work for a religious body if­­—
    1. participation in the teaching, observance or practice of the religion concerned is a genuine occupational requirement of the work; and
    2. the other person cannot satisfy the genuine occupational requirement because of the other person’s religious belief or religious activity; and
    3. the discrimination is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances.
  2. Subsection (1) applies to discrimination in relation to a matter mentioned in section 22(1)(a), (b) or (d) or (2)(c).
  3. To remove any doubt, it is declared that a person can not rely on subsection (1) to discriminate against another person on the basis of a protected attribute other than religious belief or religious activity.

Example for subsection (3)

A person can not rely on subsection (1) to discriminate against another person on the basis of the other person’s relationship status.

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61 Roles in religious bodies

  1. This Act does not apply in relation to—
    1. the ordination or appointment of people as priests, ministers of religion or members of a religious order or to another religious role; or
    2. the training or education of people seeking ordination or appointment as priests, ministers of religion or members of a religious order or to another religious role; or
    3. the selection or appointment of people to perform functions in relation to, or otherwise participate in, any religious observance or practice.
  2. For subsection (1)(a) and (b), another religious role is a role within a religious body that
    1. is the same as, or similar to, the role of a priest, minister of religion or member of a religious order; or
    2. otherwise involves the propagation of the doctrines, tenets or beliefs of the religion concerned.

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