Dear MP not found,
or Dear MP not found,
[write a paragraph about yourself, include what suburb you live in or how you are connected to the MP’s electorate. You might mention your family, your cultural background, your faith, what church or place of worship you attend]
I am concerned about the new draft of the Anti-Discrimination bill. Faith groups should be able to employ people who live out their faith in all aspects of their lives. This is important for faith-based schools where all staff members need to model that faith to the students. The draft bill allows politicians to require their employees to hold the same political beliefs, so faith groups should be able to do the same.
The bill attacks religious organisations by stopping them from selecting staff who uphold that faith. I have attached a statement from many faith leaders explaining their concerns with the bill. I ask you to reject the bill unless these issues are fixed.
[enter your name, address and phone number. Your address is needed so MPs know you are legitimately from their electorate.]