Dear MP not found,
or Dear MP not found,
[write a sentence or two about yourself. You might mention your family, your cultural background, your faith, what church or place of worship you attend]
I wish to address the new Respect at Work Bill and its implications on faith communities. It is disappointing that the Premier has dismissed the concerns and requests from faith leaders. The Bill's broad definition of "harassment based on sex" could encompass traditional religious teachings and practices, which might adversely affect faith communities.
Religious leaders and communities feel vulnerable under this legislation. We believe the Bill could lead to legal repercussions for simply practising long-held beliefs.
Clarity and balance are essential when drafting such significant legislation. Ensuring that the rights of all groups are protected should be a priority. Will the Government reconsider these concerns and take the necessary time to refine the Bill to achieve this balance?
I look forward to your response and hope that the Government will address these important issues.
[enter your name, address and phone number. Your address is needed so MPs know you are legitimately from their electorate.]