Western Australia

"Conversion therapy"

These resources are here to help you communicate with your faith community about the threat from “conversion therapy” legislation and encourage them to take action through this website.

Contact us if you need other resources or help in raising this issue.

Newsletter or announcement text

The WA Government has released a consultation paper on banning “LGBTIQ conversion therapy”. The paper proposes implementing a Victoria-style law which would impose severe restrictions on our ability to preach, support and pray with people on matters of sexuality.

This is a serious threat to our ability to proclaim our faith, and we need to tell the Government to protect religious freedom.

The most powerful thing that you can do is write to your local Member of Parliament. MPs take personally-written letters very seriously – especially if they receive dozens or hundreds on the same topic.

The Contact Your MP website has been launched to help you write to your local MP. You can search for your MP and get contact details, writing tips and talking points.

Write to your MP today, at contactyourmp.org.au

Presentation slide

(Click to download)

The time to speak up is NOW!

Search for your MP to find their contact details and a guide to writing or meeting with them. You can search by MP name, electorate, suburb or postcode.

Sign up to keep up to date with the campaign

Your personal details are optional, please fill these in for alerts about the legislation and new resources for the campaign. Your details will be kept confidential according to our privacy policy, and only used for campaign alerts.

Authorised by Mike Southon, Freedom for Faith, 168 Chalmers St, Surry Hills NSW