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Sending your letter

By Post

It is very powerful to send a printed out or hand-written letter through the post. Send to:
MP not found 

By Email

A personally written email is also very effective. Send the email to:

MP not found 

Writing guide


Address them as “Dear MP not found”, or “Dear MP not found”

Introduce yourself and say where you live, something about your family, community, or your faith.


Concerns you can raise:

  • you have heard about the Government’s consultation on “conversion therapy” legislation.
  • you are concerned that many faith groups have not been consulted, or even told that the consultation was happening.
  • you are concerned that the Government is planning to copy the Victorian legislation that has seriously restricted the freedom of speech and religion.
  • the Victorian model was rejected by NSW and South Australia, who both consulted widely with faith communities.

Your request

Ask the MP for a response:

  • will they hold the Government to account on this legislation?

  • will they stand up for basic freedoms like freedom of speech and religion?


Thank the MP for their attention and their service to the electorate.

Ensure you include your name and address. This is so the MP’s staff can confirm that you are a member of their electorate. Letters without an address are often ignored

Example letter

This letter is provided as an example. It is always best to write your own letter, however this example is based on a few of the discussion points above and is provided to help you start. 

If you are basing your letter off this template, make sure you replace the sections in **{brackets}**

Dear ,
or Dear ,

****{Introduce yourself and say something about your faith}****

I am writing to express my concern about the Government’s recent secret consultation regarding "conversion therapy" legislation. It's troubling to learn that this consultation process has excluded many faith groups, who were not even informed that it was taking place. This lack of transparency undermines the principles of a democratic society, where all stakeholders should be given the opportunity to contribute to discussions that may impact them significantly.

It appears the Government may be considering adopting legislation similar to the Victorian model, which has been criticised for restricting freedom of speech and religion. It's worth noting that both New South Wales and South Australia rejected this model after conducting extensive consultations with faith communities, recognising the importance of balancing the need to prevent harm with protecting fundamental freedoms.

I am keen to know your stance on this matter. Will you hold the Government to account on this legislation, ensuring a more inclusive consultation process? Will you advocate for the protection of basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech and religion? Your leadership on these issues is vital, and I urge you to stand up for these fundamental rights. Thank you for considering my concerns; I look forward to your response.

****{enter your name, address and phone number.}****

Authorised by Mike Southon, Freedom for Faith, 168 Chalmers St, Surry Hills NSW