Dear MP not found,
or Dear MP not found,
[write a paragraph about yourself, include what suburb you live in or how you are connected to the MP’s electorate. You might mention your family, your cultural background, your faith, what church or place of worship you attend]
I am concerned about the new draft of the anti-discrimination bill. Faith groups should be able to employ people who live out their faith in all aspects of their lives. It is important for faith-based organisations to maintain their identity and ensure that their staff share their values. A community of faith can only thrive if its members hold common beliefs and practices. The bill is an attack on religious organisations by stopping them from keeping their community of faith by selecting who they employ. This could damage the ability of these organisations to fulfill their missions.
I have attached a letter to the Premier from many faith leaders explaining their concerns with the bill. I ask you to fix the bill to protect the rights of faith-based organisations.
[enter your name, address and phone number. Your address is needed so MPs know you are legitimately from their electorate.]