Write to your MP


MP not found. Please search again

MP not found
 MP not found 

MP not found MP not found MP not found MP not found

MP not found
MP not found
MP not found
MP not found

Sending your letter

By email: MP not found 

Copy the Premier and Attorney General:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Writing Guide

An effective email is polite, friendly and short.

Emails are first read by the MP’s staff, who are extremely busy and are usually dealing with a very full inbox. If they can quickly scan the email and understand your point, they are able to convey your concerns to the MP – especially if dozens of other people have also written expressing the same issues.


Address them as “Dear MP not found”, or “Dear MP not found”

Introduce yourself and say where you live, something about your family, community, or church/mosque/temple etc. 


Say that you are writing about the new “Respect at Work” legislation.

Thank the Government for listening to the concerns of faith communities, and withdrawing the previous bill to take more time to consult.

You could add that you support the new bill’s intention of removing harassment from the work place, especially protecting women from harassment.


Say that you are concerned that the bill could unintentionally silence genuine discussion on religion and sexuality.

These are controversial issues where people strongly disagree with each other, but disagreement is important in a democratic society and is not the same as harassment.

Attach the letter

Say that you have attached a letter from heads of faith explaining their concerns (see more details below)

Your request

Ask them if they will support the amendments that the combined faith leaders are asking for.


Thank the MP for their attention and their service to the electorate.

Ensure you include your name and address. This is so the MP’s staff can confirm that you are a member of their electorate. Letters without an address are often ignored

Attach the letter

This letter has been written by faith leaders to all MPs to point out concerns with the draft legislation. 

Click to download letter

We recommend you don’t simply put the link in your email, but make it an attachment. Attachments to emails are usually taken more seriously than links.

Example email text

This letter is provided as an example. It is always best to write your own letter, however this example is based on a few of the discussion points above and is provided to help you start. 

If you are basing your letter off this template, make sure you replace the sections in **[brackets]**

Dear MP not found,
or Dear MP not found,

[write a paragraph about yourself, include what suburb you live in or how you are connected to the MP’s electorate. You might mention your family, your cultural background, your faith, what church or place of worship you attend]

I am writing in regards to the new Respect at Work bill. I appreciate that the Government has decided to withdraw the Anti-discrimination bill to take more time to consult with faith communities. This decision has addressed significant concerns within these communities, as the bill had numerous issues.

I agree with the new bill's objective of implementing the recommendations from the "Respect at Work" report. Specifically, I support the intention to protect women and minority groups from harassment. Nonetheless, I am concerned that the Respect at Work bill could potentially silence genuine conversations about matters of faith, sexuality, and gender identity. These are contentious topics that often spur intense debate.

Arguments are an intrinsic part of multiculturalism. Engaging in robust discussions, even when there is strong disagreement, is not equivalent to causing harm. It is important to recognise that disagreements are a natural element of a diverse society, and it is not feasible to create laws that prevent people from having differing opinions. Limiting conversations on such subjects could impede the open and respectful dialogue that is essential for societal progress.

I have attached a letter from a broad spectrum of faith leaders that outlines their concerns with the bill. I urge you to read the letter carefully. Will you support the viewpoints expressed in this letter?

[enter your name, address and phone number. Your address is needed so MPs know you are legitimately from their electorate.]

Authorised by Mike Southon, Freedom for Faith, 168 Chalmers St, Surry Hills NSW